Reason:People debate because they have different opinions about the subject of discussion.
Rebuttal: People don’t have to debate because the subject of discussion can be solve by a person’s own ideas or by their own decisions. A mature person knows to solve a problem without debating with other people.

Reason:People debate to explore or expound more his ideas in comparison to the other person.
Rebuttal: People don’t need to debate because if he is really sure of what he intends to say or to do then he will not ask other person’s perception about the subject of the issue. A person doesn’t have to compare his own opinion to others because it will just complicate the situation; you will doubt your own decision because you heard other people’s ideas.

Reason:People debate to defend what they believe in.
Rebuttal: How sure are you that what they believe in is accurate or absolute? How can you prove that what you defend is not a myth or a false interpretation?

Reason:People debate in public for the supporters to rally for their cause.
Rebuttal: People should not debate in public because a lot of people don’t really matter of what the heart of the issue is. People won’t listen to the topics because people believe arguing is not the answer but working or doing an action will solve the problem.

Reason:People debate to please the opposing party to accept his or their ideas by giving logical reasons.
Rebuttal: Debate is not the only to let their supporters know of their opinions. they could also write articles and debate is just not about pleasing other party but it is also convincing the audience or the public of their ideas.

Reason: People debate to influence other people with their ideas.
Rebuttal: We can see people debate in public to influence other people with their ideas but it's not merely about influencing other people with their ideas but it's persuading someone to believe on something. And sometimes people debate for the sake of arguing.

Reason: People debate to develop skills in speaking and communication to others.
Rebuttal: They say that being in a debate club could develop skills in speaking in public and communication to others. But we do not need to speak at all times just to be heard, because sometimes, action speaks louder than words.